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Description: This project contains materials, data and code for the study "Predicting Personality from Patterns of Behavior Collected with Smartphones", published in PNAS in 2020. This repository contains all the necessary data, syntax and other materials to reproduce the results from the variable-extraction point onwards. The Markdown script "paper.Rmd" knits the corresponding manuscript into a pdf file. Despite our strong commitment to open science practices, the raw log data cannot be made available openly, due to unsolved privacy implications of geolocation data and issues arising from the combination of other behavioral indicators (e.g., communication, app-usage, music consumption etc.). Below you also find a link to an interactive website that allows for the exploration of additional results for and provides resources to enable a better understanding of the used machine learning and data analytical tools.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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behaviorbig-fivemachine learningmobile-sensingpersonalitysmartphones

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