We examined mean differences in the three types of gender prejudice (i.e., explicit gender attitudes, implicit association between gender and family vs. career, implicit association between gender and arts vs. science) as a function of experimental condition (3: Same-gender Experimenter, Cross-gender Experimenter with No Witnessed Cross-gender Interaction, Cross-gender Experimenter with a Witnessed Cross-gender Interaction) with a series of three ANOVAs, one for each dependent variable. The explicit prejudice model included an additional imagined contact manipulation (2: Control, Imagined Contact). All analyses controlled for participant sex. For any effects that were statistically significant, we conducted post-hoc, pairwise analyses to compare the means to each other, adjusting for multiple comparisons using Tukey’s adjustment of the p-value. To simplify the data analysis process, participants who could not identify themselves as female or male were excluded from the analyses, but their responses are included in the supplement materials for further analysis.