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Learner Engagement And knowledge Retention aNalysis (LEARN)
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Category: Project
Description: The aim of this study is to evaluate student engagement with video lectures. A catalogue of lecture videos for students to watch before their 'live' classes has been prepared. These videos differentially employ Mayer's principles of multimedia learning. For example, they are segmented into different lengths, labels/signals are used to varying extents, and some videos have a "talking head" style demonstrator whereas others do not. Videos will be characterised according to the extent to which they employ these principles. The specific objectives of the research are outlined below: 1. To evaluate cognitive engagement through the use of a short MCQ accompanying each video. 2. To evaluate affective engagement through the use of a single item likert-survey where students rate their agreement with the statement ““This video enhanced my learning/understanding of course content” 3. To evaluate behavioural engagement through the use of the analytics provided by YouTube studio for each video.