### VIENNA & PsychoPy
VIENNA can be administered using PsychoPy and the answer and rating sheets provided in the VIENNA folder in the Files section. There, you can also find a short manual on how to start, apply, and evaluate VIENNA. The validation study was conducted with German participants, but all materials are provided in both German and English.
### How to install PsychoPy
VIENNA can be run using any PsychoPy3 or newer version. The most recent version can be downloaded here: https://www.psychopy.org/download.html
You can access the different versions here: https://github.com/psychopy/psychopy/releases?page=1
For Windows and Mac, you can use the standalone provided under "Assets". It requires Python 3 to be installed.
### Questions?
Should you run into any problems, have unanswered questions, or notice any errors, please feel free to contact me at sophia.rekers@charite.de.