## Open Science at Universities ##
In order to increase transparency and credibility in science, universities must enable and reward such actions. Below are specific steps, policies, or resources that universities can take to incentive open science.
### Policies ###
- Template of [TOP Guidelines for research institutes][1].
- Become a signatory of [DORA][2] or [TOP][3].
- [European Open Science Policy Platform][4]
- [Recommendations from the G7 Science Ministers][5]:
- Include Open Science research indicators and metrics during the evaluation and assessment of researchers
- Ensure every researcher’s ability to deposit, access, and analyze scientific data across disciplines and borders
- Adhere to the FAIR data principles of being findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable
- Train researchers in Open Science and data skills
- Develop common good practice standards
- This [Author Compliance Tool by Wiley][6] includes university policies about data sharing, preprints, and open access publishing.
### What Universities are Doing to Promote Open Science ###
- [Berlin’s Charité University Hospital][7]
- [...Incentives to raise awareness and nudge clinicians and researchers toward adopting responsible research and open science practices. For example, any institutional investigator can apply to receive a 1,000-Euro research bonus for publishing a null result, a replication study, a preregistered preclinical study, a paper that reuses data previously published by others, or a study that included patient engagement.][8]
- Applicants now answer questions related to a variety of scholarly outputs including open science, team science, and stakeholder engagement.
- The [University of Bristol][9] described open science practices in its hiring criteria and is establishing a new [Chair of Academic Research Quality and Improvement and six associated Fellowships][10].
- The [Open Science Center at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München][11] (Ludwig Maximilian University, LMU, of Munich). A result of the work by [their open science committee][12]
- [Southern Methodist University, SMU Department of Psychology][13]'s [open science policy][14]
- [Towards an Open Science Programme for Utrecht University][15]
- [TU Delft Guidelines for Open Science][16]
- [The CITEC Open Science Manifesto][17]
- [Open Science at Arizona State University][18]
- [Open Scholarship at Indiana University Bloomington][19]
- [University of Helsinki][20]
- [University of New Hampshire][21]
- [University of Leicester][22]
- [Universities UK][23]
- [Leibniz Information Centre for Economics at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel][24]
- [University of Eastern Finland][25]
- Master's students at the University of Amersterdam Psychology Department must clearly indicate whether or not results arise from confirmatory or exploratory processes. See the internship proposal form [here][26].
- [Open UBC][27]
- A curated collection of resources for faculty and students to learn about the why, what and how of open education practices and what they mean to teaching and learning at UBC
- The University of Utah Department of Psychology [requires that Masters' proposals be preregistered][28]
- Carnegie Mellon University Libraries has an [Open Science Program][29]
- Supports collaborative, transparent, and reusable research across all disciplines with digital research tools, trainings, events, outreach and partnership with other campus units, and a team of expert consultants and collaborators.
### Examples of job announcements that mention open science ###
- [Department of Psychology, University of Oregon][30]
- [Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the University of Cologne][31]
- [Model job language][32]
- "Our department embraces the values of open science and strives for replicable and reproducible research. We therefore support transparent research with open data, open material, and pre-registrations. Candidates are asked to describe in what way they have already pursued and/or plan to pursue open science." [from University of Toronto][33]
- Add a new question to standardized committee interview: "Describe any steps you have taken to implement the principles of open science in your research" ([Shared][34] by Russell Warne from Utah Valley University)
- Additional examples compiled by Felix Schönbrodt here: https://osf.io/7jbnt/
### Resources ###
- "[How significant are the public dimensions of faculty work in review, promotion, and tenure documents?][35]"
- "[Assessing scientists for hiring, promotion, and tenure][36]"
- [OSF for Institutions][37] is a free scholarly web tool that enhances transparency, fosters collaboration, and increases the visibility of research outputs at the institutional level.
- A [leaderboard][38] of universities whose researchers have taken the [Prereg Challenge][39].
### Current misuse of journal metrics in university decision making ###
- [Use of the Journal Impact Factor in academic review, promotion, and tenure evaluations][40]
- "We... collected and analyzed [review, promotion, and tenure] documents from a representative sample of 129 universities from the United States and Canada and 381 of their academic units. We found that 40% of doctoral, research-intensive (R-type) institutions and 18% of master’s, or comprehensive (M-type) institutions explicitly mentioned the JIF, or closely related terms, in their RPT documents."
- [Meta-Research: How significant are the public dimensions of faculty work in review, promotion and tenure documents?][41]
- "...we analyzed review, promotion, and tenure documents from a representative sample of 129 universities in the US and Canada. Terms and concepts related to public and community are mentioned in a large portion of documents, but mostly in ways that relate to service, which is an undervalued aspect of academic careers."
[1]: https://osf.io/uaw8z/
[2]: https://sfdora.org/sign/
[3]: http://cos.io/top
[4]: https://ec.europa.eu/research/openscience/index.cfm?pg=open-science-policy-platform
[5]: https://www.openaire.eu/g7-science-ministers-endorse-open-science
[6]: https://authorservices.wiley.com/author-resources/Journal-Authors/open-access/author-compliance-tool.html
[7]: https://sfdora.org/2018/07/06/simple-questions-big-insights-charite-uses-bio-sketch-questions-to-recruit-faculty/
[8]: https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3000576
[9]: https://www.researchprofessionalnews.com/rr-news-uk-views-of-the-uk-2019-10-promoting-openness/
[10]: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/news/2019/november/research-quality.html
[11]: http://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/index.html
[12]: https://osf.io/nptd9/
[13]: https://www.smu.edu/dedman/academics/departments/psychology
[14]: https://www.smu.edu/-/media/Site/Dedman/Academics/Departments/Psychology/2018/Policy-on-Open-Science-032218.pdf?la=en&hash=81AC2C5C64A648B7D09E137F6AEFB8930E84CA48
[15]: https://open-science.sites.uu.nl/
[16]: http://openscienceguide.tudelft.nl/
[17]: https://www.cit-ec.de/en/open-science/manifesto
[18]: https://libguides.asu.edu/openaccess/opendata-science
[19]: https://openscholarship.indiana.edu/
[20]: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/news/higher-education-science-policy/clearing-the-roadblocks-on-the-way-to-open-science
[21]: http://libraryguides.unh.edu/datamanagement/opendata
[22]: https://www2.le.ac.uk/services/research-data/find-and-share-data/open-access
[23]: http://www.universitiesuk.ac.uk/policy-and-analysis/research-policy/open-science
[24]: http://www.zbw.eu/en/research/science-2-0/
[25]: http://www.uef.fi/en/web/open-uef/avoin-tiede
[26]: https://student.uva.nl/rmp/research-projects/internship/internship.html
[27]: https://open.ubc.ca/
[28]: https://psych.utah.edu/_documents/graduate/dev-psych-handbook-jan2019.pdf
[29]: https://www.library.cmu.edu/datapub/open-science
[30]: https://osf.io/3yeqd/
[31]: https://osf.io/erb2y/
[32]: https://osf.io/24xr3/
[33]: https://utoronto.taleo.net/careersection/10050/jobdetail.ftl?job=1803593&tz=GMT-04:00
[34]: https://twitter.com/Russwarne/status/1070521807801729024
[35]: https://hcommons.org/deposits/item/hc:21015/
[36]: http://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.2004089&rev=2
[37]: https://cos.io/our-products/osf-institutions/
[38]: https://osf.io/x5w7h/wiki/06%20Leaderboard/
[39]: http://cos.io/prereg
[40]: https://peerj.com/preprints/27638/
[41]: https://elifesciences.org/articles/42254