## Funder Policies ##
The following polices from public and private funding agencies include language about data, materials, or code sharing, reporting guidelines, preregistration, or replication.
| Funder | Type of Policy |
| ------ | ---------- |
| Cancer Research UK | [Partnership with Nicotine and Tobacco Research for Registered Reports][1] |
| Global Research Awards for Nicotine Dependence | [Partnership with Nicotine and Tobacco Research for Registered Reports][2] |
| Children’s Tumor Foundation (CTF) | [Partnership with PLOS ONE for Registered Reports][3] |
| Arnold Ventures | [Open data, materials, code, and preregistration requirements][4] |
| Packard Foundation | [Disclosure of open practices such as data sharing or preregistration][5] |
| The National Institutes of Health | [Guidelines on Rigor and Reproducibility][6] and [reporting preprints and preregistrations as interim research outputs][7] |
| The National Institute for Health Research in the UK | [Requires that systematic review protocols are registered prior to conducting the review][8] |
| National Science Foundation | [Data sharing guidelines][9], [Replication studies for the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) Directorate][10] |
|Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education with the NSF | [Companion Guidelines on Replication & Reproducibility in Education Research][11] plus [likely RFP for direct replication studies][12] |
| Institute of Education Sciences | [Standards for Excellence in Education Research][13] |
| Templeton World Charity Foundation | [Adversarial Collaboration and Registered Reports for Accelerating Research on Consciousness][14] |
| Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation | [Ask applicants how data, materials, or protocols have been openly shared beyond "being available upon request" in the Resource Sharing Form][15] |
| ILSI North America | [Pilot program to require data, materials, and code transparency and to verify preregistered research][16] |
| The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) | [Funding for direct replications][17] |
| Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | [Data sharing requirements][18]
|Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) | [Data sharing and preregistration requirements][19] |
|The Howard Hughes Medical Institute | [Data sharing and open access requirements][20] |
| The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | [Data sharing disclosure requirements][21] |
| Wellcome Trust |[Data sharing requirements][22] |
|Research Councils UK | [Recommendations for data sharing][23] |
| FWF (Austrian Science Foundation) | [Open data and open access requirements][24] |
| Canadian government | [Principles of open data in research and government][25] |
| The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation | [Data sharing mandate and funded open access mandate][26] |
| Belmont Forum | [Open Data Policy][27]: Findable, Accessible, Understandable, and Manageable |
| Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAHS) | [Funding of Platinum Open Access journals in the Social Sciences and Humanities][28] |
This [Author Compliance Tool by Wiley][29] includes funder policies for data sharing and preprints.
[1]: https://academic.oup.com/ntr/article/19/7/773/3106460
[2]: http://www.grandawardsprogram.org/news/news-and-announcements.html
[3]: http://blogs.plos.org/everyone/2017/09/26/registered-reports-with-ctf/
[4]: https://www.arnoldventures.org/guidelines-for-investments-in-research
[5]: https://www.packard.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Science-Subprogram-Strategy-Brief.pdf
[6]: https://grants.nih.gov/reproducibility/index.htm
[7]: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-17-050.html
[8]: https://www.nihr.ac.uk/funding-and-support/funding-for-research-studies/manage-my-study/governance-approvals-and-registration.htm
[9]: https://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/dmp.jsp
[10]: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2018/nsf18053/nsf18053.jsp
[11]: https://ies.ed.gov/pdf/CompanionGuidelinesReplicationReproducibility.pdf
[12]: https://ies.ed.gov/director/remarks/4-15-2019.asp
[13]: https://ies.ed.gov/seer.asp
[14]: https://www.templetonworldcharity.org/arc
[15]: https://www.alexslemonade.org/researchers-reviewers/applicants
[16]: https://ilsina.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2018/07/ILSI-North-America-TOP-Guidelines-Implementation-final.pdf
[17]: https://www.nwo.nl/en/news-and-events/news/2016/nwo-makes-3-million-available-for-replication-studies-pilot.html
[18]: https://www.ahrq.gov/funding/policies/publicaccess/index.html
[19]: http://www.pcori.org/funding-opportunities/awardee-resources
[20]: https://www.hhmi.org/about/policies
[21]: https://www.epsrc.ac.uk/about/standards/researchdata/expectations/
[22]: https://wellcome.ac.uk/what-we-do/topics/data-sharing
[23]: http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/research/datapolicy/
[24]: https://www.fwf.ac.at/en/research-funding/open-access-policy/
[25]: http://open.canada.ca/en/content/canadas-action-plan-open-government-2014-16#ch4-3
[26]: http://www.gatesfoundation.org/how-we-work/general-information/open-access-policy
[27]: http://www.belmontforum.org/about/open-data-policy-and-principles/
[28]: https://zenodo.org/record/3450380#.XYTHFmwUlSY
[29]: https://authorservices.wiley.com/author-resources/Journal-Authors/open-access/author-compliance-tool.html