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Category: Project

Description: This repository contains all the data and the materials necessary for reproducing the analyses in the study: "Estimating the change in meta-analytic effects after the application of publication bias adjustment methods" by Sladekova, Webb and Field. This inlcudes: * Raw datasets from individual meta-analyses * Scripts for reproducing each meta-analysis * Script for fitting alternative adjusted models * Dataset containing original and adjusted meta-analytic estimates * Models that can be read into an R Markdown file and explored * Additional supporting files used in the analysis Details of how to reproduce the analysis are in the file. Copy of the full repository can be downloaded as an R project ( The pre-data-analysis preregistration associated with this project can be found here: This project is a sister project linked to the OSF repository "Meta-Analyses in Psychology - A Systematic Review" by Avery, Kamar, Sladekova, and Field ( The present study goes beyond the data originally coded in the first part of the project by looking at raw data and investigating how changes in methodological choices regarding publication bias correction change conclusions of individual studies.


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Project 2 (Publication Bias)

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