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Expressing diminutive meaning in heritage Twi: The role of complexity and language-specific preferences /
Dataset for Kpogo, Kohut, & Chang (2024)
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Category: Data
Description: Full dataset for Kpogo, Kohut, and Chang (2024, "Expressing diminutive meaning in heritage Twi: The role of complexity and language-specific preferences", Formal Approaches to Complexity in Heritage Language Grammars). The dataset is provided in Excel format (.xlsx) and tab-delimited text format (.txt): Sheet 1 of the Excel file provides the data from the picture description task (PDT); sheet 2, the data from the acceptability judgment task (AJT); sheet 3, the data from the morphological parsing task (MPT); sheet 4, the data from the verbal fluency task (VFT); sheet 5, demographic and language background data; and sheet 6, a key explaining each column of the spreadsheets in Sheets 1-5.
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