@[toc](Creating an anatomical ROI)
# Step 1: Create mask in FSL
1. Log into a node on HPC:
ssh -X jpfeifer@talapas-ln1.uoregon.edu # followed by the password
srun --pty --mem 4000 /bin/bash
2. Open FSLView:
module load fsl
3. Open a standard template brain: Go to File --> Open Standard --> select template (e.g., MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz).
4. Activate atlas tools: Go to Tools --> Toolbars --> Atlas tools (new buttons `Atlases` and `Structures` should appear).
5. Click on `Atlases` and make sure your atlases of interest are selected (e.g., Harvard-Oxford subcortical).
6. Click on `Structures` and select your structure of interest for your anatomical ROI.
7. Make sure the two boxes are selected (i.e., Location and Preview) (**Don't close the window just yet!**)
8. Save the image: Go to File --> Save As.
# Step 2: Create ROI in SPM