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Empirical audit and review and an assessment of evidentiary value in research on the psychological consequences of scarcity /
Emery, Walsh, & Slotter, 2015 - Study 3 Replication (Brown)
- N. Derek Brown
- Michael O'Donnell
- Kristin Donnelly
- Paul Connor
- Yilu Wang
- Derek Schatz
- Ryan Lundell-Creagh
- Joseph Manuel Andrew Ocampo
- Stephen Antonoplis
- Ruthe Foushee
- Monica E Ellwood-Lowe
- Rachel Jansen
- Stephen Baum
- Andrew Choi
- Belinda Carrillo
- Michael Rosenblum
- Zahra Rahmani Azad
- Shoshana N Jarvis
- Arianna Benedetti
- Leif D. Nelson
- Don A. Moore
- Daniel H. Stein
- Gold Nneka Okafor
- Amelia Dev
- Christina Carr
- Andrew Zheng
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