## ReadMe ##
This repository provides the data and analysis code from Addleman & Lee (submitted). For questions about the materials here, please don't hesitate to email Doug Addleman at daddleman@dartmouth.edu.
### Overview ###
Code for running both experiments is contained in the `code` folder. `E3` and `E4` contain data, processing, and analysis files. Critically, E4 corresponds to Experiment 1 in the manuscript, and E3 corresponds to Experiment 2. Finally, variableKey.csv describes all columns in raw behavioral data files.
### Experimental Code ###
Code for running the experiment is available in `code`. Code is written in MATLAB and requires psychtoolbox and an EyeLink eye-tracking set-up.
### Data and Analysis Code ###
Partially processed datafiles for each experiment containing all data necessary to reproduce analyses in the manuscript are available in each experiment's `analysis` folder. Analysis code is available for each experiment in `E4/analysis` (the paper's Experiment 1; no-scotoma training) and `E3/analysis` (Exp. 2; scotoma training). All reported analyses of behavioral data and code to generate behavioral data graphs are available in the R markdown files (e.g., MD_LPL_E3_Analysis_RT.Rmd).
Analysis and creation of figures for first fixation data was done in separate R markdown files (e.g., MD_LPL_E3_Analysis_FirstFixations.Rmd). These files get data from .csv files recording mean first fixation data for each participant (e.g., MD_LPL_E3_FirstFixations.csv).