Here you can find files used for the current version of Gender-Science IAT on the PI Korea site.
For the IAT task,
Female (여성) stimuli are: "엄마", "아내", "이모", "여자", "소녀", "여성", "할머니", "딸"
Male (남성) stimuli are: "아빠", "남편", "삼촌", "남자", "소년", "남성", "할아버지", "아들"
Liberal Arts (인문학) stimuli are: "철학", "예술", "인문학", "문학", "영문학", "음악", "역사학"
Science (과학) stimuli are: "생물학", "물리학", "화학", "수학", "지질학", "천문학", "공학"
The experiment procedure has been changed over years. You may contact Project Implicit at for the previous versions.