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Category: Project

Description: THINGS: A freely available database of 26,107 high quality, manually-curated images of 1,854 diverse object concepts, curated systematically from the everyday American English language and using a large-scale web search. Includes 27 high-level categories, semantic embeddings for all concepts, and more metadata. THINGSplus: New THINGS metadata, with 53 high-level categories, typicality ratings, nameability scores for all images, size ratings, and ratings along several dimensions (e.g. animacy, manipulability, valence, arousal, preciousness, etc.). In addition, 1,854 license-free images were collected that can be used and reproduced (e.g. in publications) without any restriction.

License: Other


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categoriesconceptsimage databaseimage datasetnormnounsobject imagesobjectssynsetsTHINGS

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