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Category: Project

Description: This site contains a series of 10 free Jamovi assignments, which will teach you how to complete the analyses covered in introductory statistics courses. In these assignments, you will implement the ideas you have seen in videos or textbooks, from the basics of opening data files to the complexities of creating a professional conference poster. At the beginning of each assignment, you will be given links to short videos and written descriptions. Therefore, no prior knowledge of Jamovi is required. Then these assignments provide step-by-step instructions to guide you through the analyses, using real data that were collected from MTurk workers in the United States. These data address attitudes and behaviors related to climate change. After completing these assignments, you will be better prepared for your later courses, for the rigors of the workplace, and for graduate-level research.

License: Other


In the Components section to the right, you will find:

  • Assignments for different analyses in Jamovi
  • Data file needed to complete the assignments


Files can now be accessed and managed under the Files tab.



Climate Change Data

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Assignments for Jamovi (2.2.5)

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