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The Basel-Berlin Risk Study /
Tisdall et al. (2020)
Date created: 2020-10-10 01:09 PM | Last Updated: 2022-11-08 02:11 PM
Category: Analysis
Description: These are the scripts for the analyses reported in Tisdall, Frey, Horn, Ostwald, Horvath, Pedroni, Rieskamp, Blankenburg, Hertwig, & Mata (2020). This project aims to investigate the overlap and explanatory power of the neural representation of two popular behavioral measures of risk taking, the Balloon Analogue Risk Taking Task, and a Monetary Gambles task. We examined within-participant data from the imaging subsample (N=116) of the Basel-Berlin Risk Study. Our analyses include group-level (average) task-related activations and individual differences analyses that link task activation to various indices of risk taking, such as psychometrically derived risk preference factors (Frey et al., 2017). We focus our analyses on "risk matrix" regions (Knutson & Huettel, 2015), which designate the nucleus accumbens, anterior cingulate cortex and anterior insular cortex as central neural regions involved with risk-related processing.
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