This project contains patent and scientific literature datasets on drone technology for use in training in patent analytics by the WIPO patent analytics team.
The datasets were created by searching [the Lens database][1] for the terms drone or drones in any field in the scientific literature and patent literature. The datasets are exclusively intended for training purposes and are deliberately intended to be noisy.
The datasets are made available in the free [dronesr R package][2] that is openly available on [GitHub][3].
This repository provides access to .csv copies of the data for the R package as well as Gephi .gexf files for network visualisation.
If using these files in a publication, report or blog post please provide a link to the Lens. We also request that you retain the lens_id in any work that arises from the use of the data. This will contribute to raising awareness of the Lens and reporting to funding bodies.
The datasets are made available under a Creative Commmons 4 International Attribution licence and are without warrenty as outlined in the licence.