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9.2 GHz clock transition in a Lu(II) molecular spin qubit arising from a 3467 MHz hyperfine interaction
- Stephen Olof Hill
- Krishnendu Kundu
- Jessica R. K. White
- Jason M. Yu
- William J. Evans
- Filipp Furche
- Samuel A. Moehring
- Joseph W. Ziller
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We thank the U.S. National Science Foundation (under CHE-1855328 to WJE and CHE-1800431 to FF) and the Department of Energy (under DE-SC0020260 to SH) for support of this research. Work performed at the NHMFL is supported by the NSF (DMR-1644779) and by the State of Florida. JMY acknowledges support of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (DGE-1839285). We also thank the Eddleman Quantum I…
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