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  1. Hanne Deprez
  2. Mieke de Cock
  3. Jenaro Guisasola
  4. Kristina Zuza

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Category: Data

Description: Systematic Literature Review on STEM education principles and its characteristics following the guidelines outlined in the PRISMA Declaration. Search strategy: The search was conducted in January 2024 using the databases of Web of Science, Scopus, and ERIC to maximize the retrieval of target papers. The search was done to find only articles that had “STEM” or “STEAM” on the title as well as “framework” or “principle”. Moreover, the search was limited to papers published in English or Spanish. In addition, for the Web of Science database the terms “STEM education” or “STEAM education” were fixed as the topic and the articles were filtered to only include articles from the “Education Educational Research” research area. For Scopus, the terms “STEM education” or “STEAM education” were also defined in the category ALL. No timespan was defined for the articles.


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