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Affiliated institutions: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Description: Objective: The objective of this scoping review is to identify and understand the extent and type of literature available regarding research mentorship in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Introduction: This scoping review is vital as it is important to identify research mentorship gaps in public health systems and build research capacity in LMICs. Additionally, we aim to create a pipeline of skilled researchers that can contribute to discussions of global public health. Specifically, we believe it is key to review related databases (both open and non-open access) focused on building capacity through research mentorship in LMIC settings. Inclusion criteria: We will include all original published studies in English, Spanish and Portuguese that describe research mentoring models, programs and experiences in LMICs. Additionally, we will include studies that describe mentoring programs for LMICs with either individual or institutional perspective, and with components focusing on gender equality, diversity and inclusion. Methods: We will search different global databases of references, abstracts and gray literature. We will include all research published until January 28, 2022. The proposed scoping review will be conducted in accordance with the JBI methodology for scoping reviews.


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