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## Project description ## Working memory (WM) theories describe processes engaged when thinking, and are useful for explaining how two tasks are accomplished simultaneously. Models of WM invoke different collections of resources, with no consensus on which model best matches reality. The popular multi-component WM model presumes separate resources for verbal and visual-spatial memory (Baddeley, 2012). Other models (e.g., Cowan, 2005) propose that a common resource both stores and processes verbal and spatial information, generating opposite predictions of how memories should be affected by a concurrent task. According to the multi-component model, items stored in the verbal short-term store may be unaffected by a spatial task, but a verbal task would compete for the same resources that hold verbal memoranda, causing conflict. The reverse pattern is expected for spatial memories. In contrast, models proposing a common resource predict interference no matter the domain of the information. We shall directly compare these explanations using Bayesian state-trace analyses to better restrict and improve application of WM theories. The project is funded by the British Academy (SRG18R1\180622). ---------- Using these materials -------------------- This repository contains the materials supporting our project comparing competing hypotheses about interference during complex working memory span tasks. It includes sub-directories for hypothesis generation and documentation, paperwork used for communicating with research participants and organizing data collection, stimuli and links to data collection software, data and analyses, and communications. ---------- **Published communication.** Vergauwe, E., von Bastian, C. C., Kostova, R., & Morey, C. C. (2022). Storage and processing in working memory: A single, domain-general resource explains multitasking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(2), 285–301. ---------- **Data citation.** See citation list in the top-right corner of the main project page. This OSF project contains the data and analysis scripts for both experiments described in our paper. If you would like to use the data in future published work, please cite both the paper and this OSF project. ---------- **Ethics approval.** This project falls under the remit of the Cardiff University School of Psychology Research Ethics Committee, project approval EC. ----------- **Contact.** For any further questions or comments, don't hesitate to email Dr. Candice C. Morey at
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