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An In Vivo High Resolution Atlas of the Subcortical Human Brain /
Reinforcement Learning Atlas
- Julian Michael Tyszka
- Wolfgang Pauli
- Amanda Nili
- Masako Okamoto
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Category: Project
Description: An in vivo atlas of human subcortical nuclei involved in reinforcement learning. Based on a midspace template derived from Human Connectome Project structural MRI.
Reinforcement Learning Atlas
Please refer to the parent wiki of this OSF project for detailed documentation:
Nucleus Coverage
This component of the subcortical atlas covers the principal nuclei associated with reinforcement learning:
Putamen (Pu)
Caudate Nucleus (Ca)
Nucleus Acumbens (NAC)
Extended Amygdala (EXA)
Globus Pallidus, Internal (GPi)
Globus Pallidus…
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