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Similarity and structured representation in human and non-human apes ================ This repository contains data, code, and task materials for Hodgetts, Close & Hahn (doi: https://10.31234/ For more information, please contact: ### Contents and directory structure #### /code This folder contains a subset of scripts and functions necessary to generate plots and run key statistical analyses from the paper. - `BetweenSpecies_CorrelationPlots.R` - Runs correlational analyses between species groups (see Supplementary Results) and generates scatterplots shown in Figure 3C - `SimComparison_SummaryPlots.R` - Generates bar plots showing mean accuracy and reaction time (RT) by comparison across Tasks 1 and 2 (see Figure S3) - `Structurality_AnalysisPlots.R` - Runs the main structurality analysis described in the Results section of the paper and generates associated figures (see Figure 3A-B) - `Swap_DensityPlots.R` - Generates the density plots from Figure 4. These show gorillas' performance for swap comparison B overlaid on the chimpanzee distribution. - `Individual_ModelFits.R` - Fits all similarity models (linear *and* power fits) to subject task data (accuracy & RT) and generates structurality scores. The structurality scores used in the paper (e.g., Fig 3) are those derived from RT for humans (power only), and accuracy for chimpanzees and gorilla (linear only). #### /data This folder contains minimally processed, anonymised data for the tasks across subjects/species. The description of each variable/column can be found in the codebook ( - `Data_Accuracy.csv` - Individual accuracy scores (proportion correct) for each subject (columns) arranged by stimulus comparison. - `Data_RT.csv` - Response times (ms) for each subject (columns) averaged for each stimulus comparison (rows). - `Data_ByComparison.csv` - Performance metrics averaged across subjects for each item comparison (A-G; see Table 1 in manuscript). Each column denotes mean data for a particular task (task 1, task 2), species (humans, nonhuman primates, chimps, gorillas), and response metric (reaction time (RT), accuracy) - `Data_BySubject.csv` - Performance metrics (RT, accuracy) and derived structurality scores for each human and nonhuman subject. Performance metrics are shown for each comparison (averaged across trials) for both Task 1 and Task 2. - `Data_ModelPredictions.csv` - Predictions for each tested model (shown in manuscript Table 1). How these are derived is explained in the main paper and the Supplementary Methods. #### /materials This folder contains the stimuli and ePrime design files for each task across human and nonhuman groups. #### /figs Output directory for figures
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