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Pre-Analysis Plan for: “Public Attitudes toward Asylum-Seekers and the Asylum System”
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Category: Project
Description: The study pre-registered here will replicate and extend the survey experiments fielded in 2015 and described in Bansak, Hainmueller and Hangartner (2016; henceforth BHH16) and Bansak, Hainmueller and Hangartner (2017; henceforth BHH17). Except if otherwise noted, we will field the same questionnaire in the same 15 European countries to elicit public attitudes toward asylum-seekers and preferences over different designs of asylum systems, and conduct the same analysis as reported in BHH16 and BHH17. The overall research goals are to assess (i) which asylum seekers the European public welcomes in 2022 and (ii) which type of allocation mechanisms for asylum seekers they support, (iii) how these attitudes and preferences have changed between 2015 and 2022, and (iv) shed light on the role of the war in Ukraine as a driver of any changes.