These files include the data from “Reproducibility of qualitative research: an integrative review of
concepts, barriers and enablers”, a study within the [TIER2][1] project (funded by Horizon Europe).
The study was conducted in three phases. In **Phase 1**, an academic database search was conducted,
and results were title and abstract screened. Then, grey literature sources were searched for
relevant records and title and abstract screened during the search. The resulting two datasets were
merged for the stage of full-text screening, conducted as **Phase 2**. Records from the first phase
which were marked as possibly including relevant references were used as a basis for a snowball
search and abstract screening, conducted during **Phase 3**. The resulting records were full-text
For more details on the study methods, see the preregistered [protocol][2]. For the background, and
preliminary results and discussion, see the [project deliverable][3] (reporting through Phase 2).