This project uses Johnston's [Deaths in the Iliad][1] file as the basis for a social network analysis of combat in the *Iliad*. It shows that Hector is high in betweenness centrality but Achilles in alpha centrality.
There are two versions of the writeup:
- Glory and Gore (gloryandgore.pdf) is a brief write-up in popular style
- Spears and Prisms (spearsprisms.pdf) is a longer write-up written in the style of a sociology journal article
There are several versions of the data file:
- treats the network as undirected. Used for betweenness.
- treats the network as directed from winner to loser and only has names for high degree nodes. Used for visualization.
- treats the network as directed from loser to winner. Used for calculating Bonacich and Lloyd's alpha centrality.
The R script "iliadstatus.R" uses igraph to create all visualizations and metrics.