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# **Data Management Plan** #### **This section is for your data management plan (DMP) and any related data management materials** A data management plan is an important part of doing high-quality research as it is a place where you plan how you will manage all of the materials that you will use and/or create during your project. Additionally, many funding agencies, such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), require grant applications to also include plans for the management and sharing of your project. You will want to be sure to follow through on any activities you propose in your plan. To aid in this, it is suggested that you keep your proposal DMPs here for future referencing. By keeping your DMP with your experiment you can easily refer to the plan or share it with others as needed. **You must comply with ECU, University of North Carolina, and federal requirements related to privacy and data security. This include, but is not limited to, never sharing, posting, or uploading FERPA, HIPPA, or other personal indentifying information. For more information, please see ECU's policies [here](** To help in this process the ECU Library Scholarly Communication Services has created a **helpful guide** to get you started: [Data Management Planning][1] This site includes many useful links such as a [sample plan][2] and a [checklist][3] prepared by the Digital Curation Centre. For information on some best practices in file naming, creating a data management plan, and making a "data dictionary" visit the [OSF Guide on Best Practices][4]. --- If you have any questions or concerns regarding copyrights please send your questions to <>. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about OSF or the use of this template please contact us at <>. OSF provides tutorials, FAQs, and support information on [OSF Guides][5]. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]:
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