Paul J. Ferraro and
J. Dustin Tracy
**A reassessment of the potential for loss-framed incentive contracts to increase productivity: a meta-analysis and a real-effort experiment**
*Experimental Economics*
Substantial productivity increases have been reported when incentives are framed as losses rather than gains.
Loss-framed contracts have also been reported to be preferred by workers. The results from our meta-analysis and real-effort experiment challenge these claims. The meta-analysis' summary effect size of loss framing is a 0.16 SD increase in productivity.
Whereas the summary effect size in laboratory experiments is a 0.33 SD, the summary effect size from field experiments is 0.02 SD.
We detect evidence of publication biases among laboratory experiments. In a new laboratory experiment that addresses prior design weaknesses, we estimate an effect size of 0.12 SD.
This result, in combination with the meta-analysis,
suggests that the difference between the effect size estimates in laboratory and field experiments does not stem from the limited external validity of laboratory experiments, but may instead stem from a mix of underpowered laboratory designs and publication biases. Moreover, in our experiment, most workers preferred the gain-framed contract and the increase in average productivity is only detectable in the subgroup of workers ($\sim$20\%) who preferred the loss-framed contracts. Based on the results from our experiment and meta-analysis, we believe that behavioral scientists should better assess preferences for loss-framed contracts and the magnitude of their effects on productivity before advocating for greater use of such contracts among private and public sector actors.
Supporting files for: A reassessment of the potential for loss-framed incentive contracts to increase productivity
The files in the "code" and "data" subfolder reproduce the figure and tables in the paper.
"code" subfolder:
- "Meta.R" can be run in R, change line 1 to download directory, reads "data/MetaData.csv" makes a "figures" subdirectory, creates pgn's for Figures 1 through 4, and S.1 through S.8 within the subdirectory.
- "" [optional] can be run with Stata 14 or newer. It imports all the zTree files from the rawdata subfolder, saves them as Stata files, appends them drops extraneous variables and constructs variables required for analysis. Ultimately producing "AllSessions.dta" and "AllQuest.dta".
- "" can be run with Stata 14 or newer. It reads "data/AllSessions.dta" performs power calculations as described in the paper. Either run after or unmute line 6.
- "" can be run with Stata 14 or newer. See line 1 regarding the cgmreg installation. It reads "data/AllSesions.dta" makes a "tables" subdirectory writes all tables (except 1, 2 & S1) in the paper to the subdirectory.
"data" subfolder:
- "AllSessions.dta" is Stata dataset for versions 14 or newer and contains all the data from the reported experiment.
Period: period number
Subject: subject number within sesion
breaks: number of breaks a subject took that period
Errors: number of incorrect attempts
LossFrame: =1 if payment was lossframed that period.
correct: number of correctly counted grids that period
BreakPay: pay from breaks
Session: session number
ID: subject ID in experiment 100*Session + Subject
Pref_LF_Tri_egen: =1 if subject indicated they preferred LF, 0 in they indicated no preference and -1 if they indicated a preferred gain frame.
Pref_LF_egen: =1 if subject indicated they preferred LF, 0 otherwise
Indif_egen: =1 if subjected indicated no fram preference, 0 otherwise
Pref_LF_egen_LossFrame: Pref_LF_egen * LossFrame
Indif_egen_LossFrame: Indif_egen * LossFrame
StartLF: =1 if subject's period 1 pay was loss framed
Period2: =1 if period==2
BiBreaks: =1 if breaks>0
- "AllQuest.dta" is Stata dataset for versions 14 or newer and contains demographic data for the subjects in the experiment.
Period: period number
Age: subject's reported age
gender: subject's reported gender
Session: session number
Female: =1 is subject reported gender as female
Citizen =1 if subject reported being a US citizen
Race subject's reported race
ID: subject ID in experiment 100*Session + Subject
- "MetaData.csv" are summary statistics for the studies in our meta-analysis.
Author: author(s) of the study, First et al. if >2
Note: descriptions if there are multiple experiments in one paper
Year: year of publication
Setting: categorization for Figure S7
SetNote: additional details about setting
Setting3: categorization for Figure S8
Setting4: categories with distinguish induce cost from real effort
Setting5: categorization for the main analysis.
Reward: was reward "piece-rate" or "threshold"
BenchmarkKnown: =1 if cut off for reward was disclosed to subjects, 0 otherwise
OutsideOption: =1 if subjects had an alternative activity to the real effort task, 0 otherwise
Within: =1 if the experiment was within subject design, 0 otherwise
Subjects: description of subjects used
Place: description of place experiment was conducted
Location: country+ experiment was conducted
Task: name of effort task used
Contract Frame Duration: length of time of contract
Prize: description of any non-monetary prizes used
Stated: =1 if stated effort rather than real effort,0 otherwise
Flag: =1 if the paper is not typical associate with loss-framed contracts
RewardAdvance: =1 if subjects were actually given the reward (payment) before effort task.
M.GF: mean effort in gain frame
M.LF: mean effort in loss frame
SD.GF: standard deviation of effort in gain frame
SD.LF: standard deviation of effort in loss frame
N.GF: number of subjects in gain frame
N.LF: number of subjects in loss frame
Source: where were the means SDs and Ns found, in most instances this is within the paper. exceptions are noted and url's are provided if available.
The files in the "materials" subfolder allow replication of our experiment. Files require ztree 3.6.7 or newer. In background, the number of subjects should be set to 2 or more. Subject 1 is controlled by the experimenters and ensured stages did not advance until payments were complete
"materials" subfolder:
- "GainLoss_Grid2_4.ztt" for sessions in which Gain Frame Contracts are used in Round 1.
- "LossGain_Grid2_4.ztt" for sessions in which Loss Frame Contracts are used in Round 1.
- "instructions.pdf" A hard copy of page 1 was given to subjects. All pages were projected and read aloud, before relevant round.
- "Questionnaire_Counting4.ztq" ztree questionnaire in which we elicit demographic controls.
"rawdata" subfolder:
- raw ztree files
[Link to data and code for previous drafts][1]