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Early Career Research (ECR) project /
Trajectories in Early Career Research: Data Repository
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Category: Data
Description: Data were gathered under NSF grants 1760894 & 1431234. Participants included 336 bioscience Ph.D. students from 53 research universities across the United States. Data include include yearly surveys and biweekly assessments sent to all participants who opted to participate and met criteria for remaining in the study each year, yearly scores on a sole-author submitted research paper writing sample graded by 2 trained experts and averaged across expert ratings, and yearly interviews conducted with a subset of participants. Retention and missing data handling are outlined in the documents below. Further information about methods regarding instrumentation, interview protocols, participation, and assessment of writing samples can be found in these materials. If there are pieces of these materials that need further clarification or detail, please let us know. When using this data in any publication or other form of public communication, please cite this repository as specified in the Open Data Commons Attribution License, Sections 4.2.b and 4.2.c.
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