This repository belongs to the article [Agent-based simulations for protecting nursing homes with prevention and vaccination strategies][1], currently published as preprint on arXiv.
The repository includes data to run agent based simulations for the spread of a disease (in this case SARS-CoV-2) in a nursing home. The code used for this simulation is available in a GitHub [repository][2]. A frozen and citable version of the code is abailable from [Zenodo][3].
The data repository includes the folders "data", where you will find the necessary raw data to run all simulations as well as simulation results, and "plots", where you will find the figures created by the analysis scripts and used in the publication. To run the code, please download the data repository, decompress it and place the decompressed folders "data" and "plots" in the main code directory.
For a more detailed description of the repository content, please refer to the README file of the [code repository][4].