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Description: Objective 1: Intervention Impact Assessment The core objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches aimed at improving participants' well-being. By examining a range of intervention methods, including basic check-ins, user-selected training materials, and the guidance provided by a domain-specific chatbot, this study aims to explore their impact on short-term and long-term wellbeing outcomes. Objective 2: User Engagement and Autonomy An important aspect of this study is to understand how user engagement and the freedom to choose impact mindfulness training outcomes. By allowing participants to select their preferred training materials and concentrate on specific life areas that hold significance to them, the research aims to examine the role of engagement and autonomy in enhancing the effectiveness and sustainability of mindfulness practices. Objective 3: Chatbot Development and Evaluation The study also aims to create and assess the effectiveness of an interactive chatbot as a tool to guide participants in applying mindfulness techniques to specific life domains, providing a personalized and accessible approach to well-being enhancement.

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