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Category: Software

Description: These are the Praat scripts that I have used in my publications. Get Praat at

License: MIT License


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Measure Pitch, Jitter, Shimmer, and HNR

This script measures Pitch (Fundamental Frequency or F0), the standard deviation thereof, jitter, shimmer, and harmonics to noise ratio (HNR). The a...

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Manipulate Pitch

This is the script I use to manipulate pitch by +/- 0.5 ERB. I've used this method in all of my papers since I switched to ERB from Hz (you can edit ...

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Parselmouth Praat Scripts in Python

This script will measure pitch, standard deviation of pitch, hnr, jitter, shimmer, and formants in python using parselmouth, a a package that runs Pra...

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Nomalize amplitude

Normalizes amplitude of all files in a directory to 70dB using RMS

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