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Date created: 2021-05-18 08:41 PM | Last Updated: 2023-08-31 12:14 AM

Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/HPQK4

Category: Instrumentation

Description: Materials for the Asian Americans in Boston (AAiB) Project that are shareable (not under others' copyright) according to the study's IRB protocol: (1) questionnaires used in the English, Korean, Mandarin (in simplified characters), and Tagalog interviews, (2) lists of sentences and passages used in the reading task for English, Korean, Mandarin (in simplified characters, traditional characters, and pinyin), and Tagalog, (3) pictures used in the picture naming task, and (4) a PDF of the Qualtrics survey administering the listening experiment. Pictures used in the picture naming task were from Rossion and Pourtois (2004), while pictures used in the picture description task were from Chiam (2013); see wiki.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


Pictures for the picture naming task were from Rossion & Pourtois (2004):

  • Rossion, B., & Pourtois, G. (2004). Revisiting Snodgrass and Vanderwart's object set: The role of surface detail in basic-level object recognition. Perception, 33, 217–236. doi:

Pictures for the picture/scene description task were taken from Chiam (2013, pp. 93–94; original source unknown):

  • Chiam, R.…


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Asian AmericansBostonBoston EnglishCebuanoChinese AmericansdialectsethnolectsFilipino AmericansKoreanKorean Americanslow back raisingl/r-conflationl-vocalizationMandarinphoneticsr-deletionsociolinguisticssociophoneticsspeech productionTagalogVietnameseVietnamese Americans

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