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## Abstract Depression does greatly affect sexuality. Theoretical and empirical accounts bring evidence of the existence of attention bias to sex-related stimuli. This attention bias might be impaired in depression resulting in sexual problems. A sample of 13 patients with depression and 13 matched healthy controls were tested using the dot-probe and picture recognition task to measure attention to erotic images. No difference in attention to sex-related stimuli (*ω2* = 0, *p* = 0.22) and in the memory bias (*ω2* = 0, *p* = 0.72) was found between the two groups. Explorative analyses were conducted to identify the sexual content-induced delay effect in the data, assess variability differences, and compare trial-level bias score-based indexes between groups. Across all analyses, there was only a little evidence for depression affecting sexual-related cognitive processing, and even the little evidence found might be explained by other means. Our results suggest that restrained attention is probably not the main reason behind sexual problems in depression. **Keywords**: attention bias, sexual response, sexuality, depression, dot probe task, recognition
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