This project contains the data and the code used for the publication "Enhancing Safety in Autonomous Vehicles: The Impact of Warning Signal Modalities on Driver Behavior and Situational Awareness"
The folder “code” contains all the code scripts used for preprocessing and main analysis.
The folder “csvs_from_preprocessing” contains all the preprocessed csv files (see the “all_uids” folder)
The folder “csvs_from_data_cleaning” contains two csv files after exluding participants/uids with either 1) less than 11 events, or 2) less than 12 events. In this study, the participants with less than 11 events were exlcuded from the main analysis.
The folder “figures” contains all the figures in the manuscript.
The folder “questionnaire_data” contains all the data and code script for analyzing the AVAM questionnaire data.
The results have been published here: