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Description: [May 2019 Status: This rapid review has been discontinued. It has now become a regularly updated (living) database of randomized trials involving comics (COLLECCTORS), which can be found here: The database includes keyword searches, trials included and excluded, risk of bias assessments, tables of extracted data and samples of the comics assessed in the studies, among other things.] Main document: Complementary data: List of studies included in the review: Objectives To evaluate the effects of reading or viewing comics in children, adolescents and adults. Search methods I searched Pubmed, CINAHL, EMBASE, CisMeF, CENTRAL, Trip, Google Scholar, PsycInfo, PROSPERO, and WHO-ICTRP on April 4, 2018 for randomized controlled trials measuring the effects of comics using previously identified keywords (e.g. “comics”, “comic book”, “manga”, “graphic novel”, “bande dessinée”, etc.). I checked the reference lists of included articles, used a list of articles previously identified and browsed forward citations. Over 40 investigators of randomized trials and key authors with an interest in comics were contacted for further relevant studies. No restrictions were placed on the language, publication status or date of publication when searching the electronic databases. Selection criteria I included randomised controlled trials (RCTs), quasi-randomised controlled trials (quasi-RCTs) and systematic reviews (SRs) of RCTs/quasi-RCTs measuring the effects of reading or viewing comics compared with a) no comics, b) different comics, c) a different version of the same comic or d) written textual documents in children, adolescents and adults. Data collection and analysis I assessed the identified titles and abstracts to determine eligibility. I then retrieved the full-text records of relevant records and verified eligibility. Results Not summarized. See COLLECCTORS for more information. Conclusions Not summarized. See COLLECCTORS for more information. Funding No funding was received for this work. Registration: (see March 31, 2018 version) Keywords: comics, comic book, rapid review, randomized controlled trials, systematic review, fotonovela, manga, manhwa, webcomic, webtoon, historieta, fumetto, bande dessinée

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International

The effects of comics, as measured in randomized controlled trials: a rapid review | Discussion


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Une revue rapide des effets relatifs à la santé de la lecture de bandes dessinées chez les enfants, les adolescents et les adultes

[A rapid review of the health-related effects of reading comic books on children, adolescents and adults] 2018 update: Résumé ...

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Bande dessinéecomic bookcomicsfotonovellaFumettoMangarandomized controlled trialsrapid reviewsystematic reviewWebcomicWebtoon

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