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# Data codebook ---------- In both datasets each row represents an individual trial. The meaning of each column is specified below. ## dataE1234.csv Data for experiments 1, 2, 3, and 4 - experiment: whether the experiment was 1, 2, 3, or 4 - participant: participant id - session: stage of the experiment - training (1), reminder (2a), inteference (2b), or test (3a/b) - trial: trial in this session - sequenceType: whether sequence is old or new - targetSequence: the sequence the user has been asked to enter - stream: the stream of digits entered by the participant on this trial - speed: the number of sequences entered by the participant on this trial - accuracy: 1-errors/speed for this trial - age: participant's age - gender: participant's gender - sequenceOrder: whether sequences were learned in the order X, Y ('X') or Y, X ('Y') - testOrder: whether sequences were tested in the order X, Y ('A') or Y, X ('B') ## dataE567.csv Data for experiments 5, 6, and 7 - experiment: whether the experiment was numbers (5), letters (6), or numbers no reminder control (7) - experimentType: whether the experiment was 'reminder' or 'no reminder' - participant: participant id - session: stage of the experiment - training, reminder, inteference, or test - trial: trial in this session - sequenceType: whether sequence is old or new - targetSequence: the sequence the user has been asked to enter - stream: the sequence that the user entered - correct: at the training and inteference stages this specifies whether the sequence was entered completely accurately (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Reminder and Test stages are NA. - sequenceSimilarity: the Damerau–Levenshtein ratio for the target sequence and stream - age: participant's age - gender: participant's gender - sequenceOrder: whether sequences were learned in the order X, Y ('X') or Y, X ('Y') - testOrder: whether sequences were tested in the order X, Y ('A') or Y, X ('B')
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