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Category: Project

Description: This project investigated whether we could use 'fast periodic visual stimulation' (FPVS) and EEG to detect lexical processing in individuals. You can find the project manuscript [here]. We showed rapid streams of visual stimuli to 10 healthy adults, while recording EEG with a 64-channel Biosemi system. The stimulus streams consisted of faces embedded among scrambled faces, or words embedded among pseudowords. A new stimulus appeared every 100 ms (10 Hz), with the embedded stimulus type appearing every 5th stimulus (2 Hz). Following Lochy et al. (2015), we expected that healthy adults would show face- and word-selective responses (ie, a spike at 2 Hz) around parieto-occipital electrode sites. We observed this clearly for faces among scrambled faces. For words embedded among pseudowords, effects were rare and small. The OSF project folder contains presentation scripts (/testing), raw EEG files (/data), and analysis code (/analysis) for the wordFPVS project.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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