You can find files used for the current version of Sexuality IAT on PI Netherlands site.
For the IAT task,
Good (Goed) words are: "Gelukkig", "Mooi", "Liefde", "Genot", "Vrede", "Vreugde", "Glorieus", "Lachen";
Bad (Slecht) words are: "Gekwetst", "Pijn", "Slecht", "Naar", "Erg", "Horror", "Mislukking", "Pijnlijk";
Gay men (Homoseksuelen) stimuli are: images "05_GAY.jpg" and "14_gay.jpg", words "Gay" and "Homoseksuel";
Lesbian (Homoseksuelen) stimuli are: images "15_lesbian.jpg" and "07_lesbian.jpg" words "Gay" and "Homoseksuel"
Straight (Heteroseksuelen) stimuli are: words "Heteroseksuel" and "Straight", and images "06_hetero.jpg" and "13_hetero.jpg".
The experiment procedure has been change over years. You may contact Project Implicit at for the previous versions.