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# FairFuse: Interactive Visual Support for Fair Consensus Ranking This supplement material contains code for the frontend and backend implementation, and a demo video. Steps to run the project: ## Frontend Frontend is built with React Javascript Library. ### 1. Install dependencies: ```bash npm install ``` ### 2. Add an environment variable to point to the backend API. For dev server, create a file `.env.local` with following contents. ``` REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000' ``` ### 3. Start dev server ```bash npm start ``` ## Backend Backend is built with FastAPI Framework. ### 1. Setup and activate virtual environment ```bash virtualenv venv --python=/usr/bin/python3 source venv/bin/activate ``` ### 2. Install dependencies ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ### 3. Start dev server ```bash uvicorn app.main:app --timeout-keep-alive 0 --reload --reload-dir app ```
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