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Open Science Talks and Workshops (Gilad Feldman)  /


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2024-09-13 Metacognitive Moral Learning & Decision Making in Realistic Moral Dilemmas | Vanessa Cheung and Max Maier

Many controversies arise from disagreements about which decision-making strategies to use in which situations (e.g., following rules or reliance on co...

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2024-08-30 COSN Challenges with academic publishing and for-profit publishers

Taxpayers pay our salaries and fund universities and grants to allow us researchers to conduct and review important research addressing urgent global ...

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2024-08-15 Bonn Melbourne - Cognitive biases researchers and the research process

We study human psyche and behavior, yet we do not often reflect on how our findings relate to us researchers and the way we conduct research. When we ...

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2024-05-01 Peer Community in Registered Report (PCIRR) is the future of science and should be integrated into mentoring and education: Sharing 3 years of running ~20 UG/MSc theses with PCIRR | RHUL

Registered Reports ( are a publication process now adopted by over 300 journals in psychological science and beyond, in which Stage 1...

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2024-04-10 Swarthmore College

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2024-04-05 Registered Reports and Peer Community in Registered Report are the future of science: Sharing our experience from over 25 Replication and extensions Registered Report submissions | Purdue University

Registered Reports ( are a publication process now adopted by over 300 journals in psychological science and beyond, in which Stage 1...

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2024-03-05 UCL CORE team open-science

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