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**Data and Code for** ***"Unraveling the Influence of Trial-Based Motivational Changes on Performance Monitoring Stages in a Flanker Task"*** Overmeyer, Kirschner, Fischer, & Endrass, 2023 **CODE:** Code for the **single trial analyses** can be found here Code for the **time-frequency analyses** can be found in the file timefrequency_analysis.m **DATA:** **behavioral data:** AllBehav_DDM.mat (trial x participant) - congr = congruency (1 = congruent; 2 = incongruent) - rt = reaction time (in ms) - error = accuracy (1 = correct; 2 = error) - postE = trial after error (0 = correct; 1 = error) - resp = button (1 = left; 2 = right) - Target = target stimulus direction (1 = left; 2 = right) - Flanker = flanker stimuli direction (1 = left; 2 = right) - trnr = trial number - Incentive = motivational context (1 = gain, 0 = loss) - LastIncentive = previous incentive context (1 = gain, 0 = loss) - LastFeedback = previous feedback (1 = positive; 2 = negative) **EEG data** (preprocessedEEGdata folder): *stimulus-locked data* (electrode x participant x timepoint): - S_cor_comp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct compatible trials with baseline -200 to 0) - S_cor_incomp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct incompatible trials with baseline -200 to 0) - S_cor_LA_comp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct compatible trials in loss avoidance context with baseline -200 to 0) - S_cor_LA_incomp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct incompatible trials in loss avoidance context with baseline -200 to 0) - S_cor_PG_comp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct compatible trials in potential gain context with baseline -200 to 0) - S_cor_PG_incomp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct incompatible trials in potential gain context with baseline -200 to 0) - S_err_incomp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (incorrect incompatible trials with baseline -200 to 0) - S_err_LA_incomp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (incorrect incompatible trials in loss avoidance context with baseline -200 to 0) - S_err_PG_incomp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (incorrect incompatible trials in potential gain context with baseline -200 to 0) *response-locked data* (electrode x participant x timepoint): - R_cor_comp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct compatible trials with baseline -200 to 0) - R_cor_incomp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct incompatible trials with baseline -200 to 0) - R_cor_LA_comp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct compatible trials in loss avoidance context with baseline -200 to 0) - R_cor_LA_incomp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct incompatible trials in loss avoidance context with baseline -200 to 0) - R_cor_PG_comp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct compatible trials in potential gain context with baseline -200 to 0) - R_cor_PG_incomp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct incompatible trials in potential gain context with baseline -200 to 0) - R_err_incomp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (incorrect incompatible trials with baseline -200 to 0) - R_err_LA_incomp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (incorrect incompatible trials in loss avoidance context with baseline -200 to 0) - R_err_PG_incomp_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (incorrect incompatible trials in potential gain context with baseline -200 to 0) *feedback-locked data* (electrode x participant x timepoint): - F_LA_nF_err_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (incorrect trials with negative feedback in loss avoidance context with baseline -200 to 0) - F_LA_nF_lat_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct trials with negative feedback in loss avoidance context with baseline -200 to 0) - F_LA_pF_cor_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct trials with positive feedback in loss avoidance context with baseline -200 to 0) - F_nF_err_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (incorrect trials with negative feedback with baseline -200 to 0) - F_nF_lat_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct trials with negative feedback with baseline -200 to 0) - F_pF_cor_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct trials with positive feedback with baseline -200 to 0) - F_PG_nF_err_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (incorrect trials with negative feedback in potential gain context with baseline -200 to 0) - F_PG_nF_lat_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct trials with negative feedback in potential gain context with baseline -200 to 0) - F_PG_pF_cor_BL_-200_0_smoothing_5.mat (correct trials with positive feedback in potential gain context with baseline -200 to 0) **time-frequency data and code** (timefrequency folder): - F_timefrequency.mat (preprocessed mean time-frequency data, electrode x frequency x timepoint) - FBBehav_sampleData.mat (sample dataset for time-frequency analyses, behavioral) - FBEEG_sampleData.mat (sample dataset for time-frequency analyses, EEG) - in *preprocessedData*: preprocessed individual files for analysis (electrode x frequency x timepoint) **technical data**: - chanlocs.mat (Channel Location data) - montage_DD.elp (Electrode montage)
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