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Description: Blockchain-based games have introduced novel economic models that blend traditional gaming with decentralized ownership and financial incentives, leading to the rapid emergence of the GameFi sector. However, despite their innovative appeal, these games face significant challenges, particularly in terms of market stability, player retention, and the sustainability of token value. This paper explores the evolution of blockchain games and identifies key shortcomings in current tokenomics models using entropy increase theory. We propose two new models—ServerFi, which emphasizes Privatization through Asset Synthesis, and a model focused on Continuous Rewards for High-Retention Players. These models are formalized into mathematical frameworks and validated through group behavior simulation experiments. Our findings indicate that the ServerFi is particularly effective in maintaining player engagement and ensuring the long-term viability of the gaming ecosystem, offering a promising direction for future blockchain game development.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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