This component houses all of the publically available data and code as well as the contact email we sent to potential participants. These files are summarised below:
- QRPdataprep.R is an analysis file that shows exactly how we altered the raw data to create the datafiles we share here. The raw data needs to remain private to preserve participants' anonymity
- combined.csv is a data file that is produced by QRPdataprep.r It includes all of the quantitative responses to survey questions from authors of papers in ecology and evolution journals
- Paper analysis.R is an analysis file that shows how the data was used to create the results presented in the manuscript
- ReorderedQualitativeData.csv is a data file holding all of the qualitative responses to questions, with each column ordered alphabetically so that responses to multiple questions cannot be used to triangulate participants' identities
- Qualitative data coding_nonidentified.xlsx is a data file showing how we thematically grouped participants qualitative responses (again reordered and nonidentifiable)
- ParticipantContactEmail is the email we used to recruit participants for this project - the same email was sent again to participants who hadn't responded one week after the initial email