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**Raw data of RemapAudioTarget project:** - ________________________ **Published manuscript** [Szinte, M., Aagten-Murphy, D., Jonikaitis, D. et al. Sounds are remapped across saccades. Sci Rep 10, 21332 (2020).]( # Experiment 1: 8 human participants anonymised (sub-01 to sub-08) three task: Visual, Auditory and AudioVisual (and three training tasks TrainVisual, TrainAuditory and TrainAudioVisual) **Folders structure:** /sub-0X/sub-0X_task-taskVisual_block0X_BehavData.csv:<br> trial design matrix and behavioral input of sub 0X for the visual distractor task in block 0X /sub-0X/sub-0X_taskVisual_block0X_EyeData.edf:<br> EyeLink eye trace file of sub 0X for the visual distractor task in block 0X /sub-0X/sub-0X_task-taskAuditory_block0X_BehavData.csv:<br> trial design matrix and behavioral input of sub 0X for the auditory distractor task in block 0X /sub-0X/sub-0X_taskAuditory_block0X_EyeData.edf:<br> EyeLink eye trace file of sub 0X for the auditory distractor task in block 0X /sub-0X/sub-0X_task-taskAudioVisual_block0X_BehavData.csv:<br> trial design matrix and behavioral input of sub 0X for the audiovisual distractor task in block 0X /sub-0X/sub-0X_taskAudioVisual_block0X_EyeData.edf:<br> EyeLink eye trace file of sub 0X for the audiovisual distractor task in block 0X /sub-0X/sub-0X_task-taskTrainVisual_block0X_BehavData.csv:<br> trial design matrix and behavioral input of sub 0X for the training visual distractor task in block 0X /sub-0X/sub-0X_taskTrainVisual_block0X_EyeData.edf:<br> EyeLink eye trace file of sub 0X for the training visual distractor task in block 0X /sub-0X/sub-0X_task-taskTrainAuditory_block0X_BehavData.csv:<br> trial design matrix and behavioral input of sub 0X for the auditory training distractor task in block 0X /sub-0X/sub-0X_taskTrainAuditory_block0X_EyeData.edf:<br> EyeLink eye trace file of sub 0X for the auditory training distractor task in block 0X /sub-0X/sub-0X_task-taskTrainAudioVisual_block0X_BehavData.csv:<br> trial design matrix and behavioral input of sub 0X for the audiovisual training distractor task in block 0X /sub-0X/sub-0X_taskTrainAudioVisual_block0X_EyeData.edf:<br> EyeLink eye trace file of sub 0X for the audiovisual training distractor task in block 0X **Behavioral data columns:** Column #01: block number<br> Column #02: trial number<br> Column #03: cond1 = Sensory modalities of DT [1 = Visual; 2= Auditory; 3 = Audio-visual]<br> Column #04: not used (=2)<br> Column #05: Distractor presence [1 = present; 2 = absent]<br> Column #06: Distractor position [1 = clockwise; 2 = counterclockwise]<br> Column #07: Horizontal saccade direction [1 = saccade right; 2 = saccade left]<br> Column #08: Vertical saccade direction [1 = saccade up; 2 = saccade down]<br> Column #09: Fixation duration before saccade target(s) [1 = 1000 ms; 2 = 1050 ms; 3 = 1100 ms; 4 = 1150 ms; 5 = 1200 ms; 6 = 1250 ms; 7 = 1300 ms]<br> Column #10: ST/DIST SOA [-100 = -100 ms before saccade target; (...) 0 = 0 ms after saccade target; 1 = 1 ms after saccade target (...); 499 = 499 ms after saccade target]<br> Column #11: eye movement online result [1 = Saccade and fixation correct; 0 = saccade incorrect; -1 = fixation break]<br> Column #12: 1st saccade get out of fixation 1 boundary [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #13: 1st saccade get in 1st saccade target boundary circle [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #14: eye stayed at least 50 msec in 1st saccade target boundary circle [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #15: 1st saccade latency too long [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #16: 2nd saccade get out of fixation target boundary circle [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #17: 2nd saccade get in 2nd saccade target boundary circle [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #18: 2nd saccade stayed at least 50 msec in 2ns saccade target boundary circle [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #19: 2nd saccade latency too long [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #20: Incorrect before saccades [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> **Eyedata trigger messages:** TRIAL_START: Trial onset time<br> TRIAL_END: Trial end time<br> EVENT_FixationCheck: Onset of initial correct fixation<br> EVENT_TRIAL_START: Trial onset time (after fixation check)<br> EVENT_FixationCheck: End of fixation check period<br> EVENT_ONLINE_SAC1ONSET_BOUND: 1st saccade onset of online detection<br> EVENT_ONLINE_SAC1OFFSET_BOUND: 1st saccade offset of online detection<br> EVENT_ONLINE_SAC2ONSET_BOUND: 2nd saccade onset of online detection<br> EVENT_ONLINE_SAC2OFFSET_BOUND: 1st saccade offset of online detection<br> tedf BEFSAC_FIX_BREAK_START: fixation break of online detection<br> FT_START: fixation target onset<br> ST1_START: saccade target 1 onset<br> ST2_START: saccade target 2 onset<br> DIST_START: distractor onset<br> DIST_END: distractor offset<br> # Experiment 2: 7 human participants anonymised (sub-01 to sub-07) One task: AVDist **Folders structure:** /sub-0X/sub-0X_task-AVDist_block0X_BehavData.csv:<br> trial design matrix and behavioral input of sub 0X for the AVDist task in block 0X /sub-0X/sub-0X_task-AVDist_block0X_EyeData.edf:<br> EyeLink eye trace file of sub 0X for the AVDist task in block 0X **Behavioral data columns:** Column #01: block number<br> Column #02: trial number<br> Column #03: not used<br> Column #04: experimental condition [1=visual before; 2 = visual after; 3= auditory before; 4= auditory after; 5 = no dist.]<br> Column #05: distractor before 1st saccade position [1 = clockwise; 2 = counter-clockwise]<br> Column #06: distractor after 1st saccade position [1 = clockwise; 2 = counter-clockwise]<br> Column #07: Horizontal saccade direction [1 = saccade right 2 = saccade left]<br> Column #08: vertical saccade direction [1 = saccade up; 2 = saccade down]<br> Column #09: fixation duration before saccade target(s) [1 = 1000 ms; 2 = 1050 ms; 3 = 1100 ms; 4 = 1150 ms; 5 = 1200 ms; 6 = 1250 ms; 7 = 1300 ms]<br> Column #10: saccade Targets - Distractor before saccade SOA [150 modalities]<br> Column #11: saccade Targets / Distractor after saccade SOA [150 modalities] Column #12: not used<br> Column #13: trial saccade excecute [1 = saccade and fixation correct; 0 = saccade incorrect; -1 = incorrect fixation]<br> Column #14: not used<br> Column #15: eyes get out of fixation boundary [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #16: 1st saccade get in 1st saccade target boundary circle [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #17: eye stayed at least 50 msec in 1st saccade target boundary circle [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #18: 1st saccade latency too long [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #19: 2nd saccade get out of fixation target boundary circle [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #20: 2nd saccade get in 2nd saccade target boundary circle [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #21: 2nd saccade stayed at least 50 msec in 2ns saccade target boundary circle [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> Column #22: 2nd saccade latency too long [1 = Yes; 0 = No]<br> **Eyedata trigger messages:** TRIAL_START: Trial onset time<br> TRIAL_END: Trial end time<br> EVENT_FixationCheck: Onset of initial correct fixation<br> EVENT_TRIAL_START: Trial onset time (after fixation check)<br> EVENT_FixationCheck: End of fixation check period<br> EVENT_ONLINE_SAC1ONSET_BOUND: 1st saccade onset of online detection<br> EVENT_ONLINE_SAC1OFFSET_BOUND: 1st saccade offset of online detection<br> EVENT_ONLINE_SAC2ONSET_BOUND: 2nd saccade onset of online detection<br> EVENT_ONLINE_SAC2OFFSET_BOUND: 1st saccade offset of online detection<br> tedf BEFSAC_FIX_BREAK_START: fixation break of online detection<br> FT_START: fixation target onset<br> ST1_START: saccade target 1 onset<br> ST2_START: saccade target 2 onset<br> DIST1_START: distractor before 1st saccade onset<br> DIST1_END: distractor before 1st saccade offset<br> DIST2_START: distractor after 1st saccade onset<br> DIST2_END: distractor after 1st saccade offset<br>
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