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Description: OSF repository for Thornton, Weaverdyck, & Tamir (2019) Nature Communications. See wiki for data/code dictionary.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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The social brain automatically predicts others’ future mental states

Raw MRI data available here:

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Theories of person perception predict patterns of neural activity during mentalizing

Stimuli, behavioral data, preprocessed neural data, and presentation and analysis code from: Thornton and Mitchell (2017, Cerebral Cortex, https://doi...

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Neural evidence that three dimensions organize mental state representation: Rationality, social impact, and valence

OSF project directory for: Tamir*, Thornton*, Contreras, and Mitchell (2016). Neural evidence that three dimensions organize mental state representati...

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The brain represents people as the mental states they habitually experience

Social life requires us to treat each person according to their unique disposition: habitually enthusiastic friends need occasional grounding, whereas...

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