**Data Management Plan**
Generally, your data management plan will provide clear information about the data related to this project before it is collected. You would answer questions like:
1. How will data be collected?
2. Where will raw data be stored?
3. How will the raw data be named?
4. How will data be analyzed?
5. How will analyzed data be named?
6. How will the analysis be recorded?
7. Where will the analyzed data be stored?
8. How will the data be shared? Are there any considerations and restrictions for sharing your data?
## Link Across the Project
_You can answer these questions in the wiki, and link to additional materials or protocols with additional wikis or components_
## Existing types of data
_Describe and link to existing data used in the project_
## You can embed files that describe or visualize your plan
## Administrative and legal aspects
You can use the wiki to describe compliance and copyright issues related to the data.
### Copyright/Data owner
Data | Copyright | No restriction, non-profit | Citation necessary |Right to distribute | Deposit requirement
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
Dataset 1<sup>1</sup> | restricted | yes | yes | no | yes
Dataset 2<sup>2</sup> | restricted | yes | yes | no | yes
Dataset 3<sup>3</sup> | restricted | yes | yes | no | yes
Dataset 4<sup>4</sup> | restricted | yes (?) |yes | no | (?)
Dataset 5<sup>5</sup> | restricted | yes (?) | yes | no (?) | (?)
Dataset 6<sup>6</sup> | mostly open | yes | yes | yes | no
[1]: https://osf.io/t582x/wiki/Protocols/
[2]: https://osf.io/rwz58/