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PFTCourses, Elevational Gradient, Puna Project and Fire Experiment, Wayquecha, Peru
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Category: Project
Description: This project reports on plant functional traits, vegetation, ecosystem, and climate data in response to climate change experiments and along a 1000 m elevational gradient in the Andean Mountains, Wayquecha, Peru. Across six sites along the elevational gradient, there are areas with different fire frequencies and time since fire. In these areas we measured plant community composition and structure, plant functional traits, carbon fluxes, and climate data. The data were collected between 2018 and 2020 as part of the international Plant Functional Traits Courses 3 and 5 and the Puna Project (PFTC3 and PFTC5). Methodology and final plant community, trait, and climate data are further described in the Readme file (will become a data paper), the code for extracting and cleaning data is available at GitHub (add link) and more information about the projects and courses can be found at our web pages (