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This is the PROJECT PAGE for "How to activate threat perceptions in behavior research: a simple technique for inducing health and resource scarcity threats", by Ozan Isler, Onurcan Yilmaz, John Maule, and Simon Gächter, [Behavior Research Methods][1] (2024). This page contains the links to all pre-registrations, the data and analysis code, and the experimental tools to induce health and scarcity threat perceptions. All methods used to generate these data are described in the paper and its supplementary materials. The README file explains the data package and analysis files. The experimental TOOLS to manipulate health and resource scarcity threat perceptions are available in the Components section of this project page. Experiment 1 was pre-registered at [][2]. Experiment 2 was pre-registered at [][3] Experiment 3 was pre-registered at [][4] Experiment 4 was pre-registered at [][5] This work was supported by the European Research Council [grant number [ERC-AdG 101020453 PRINCIPLES\] ][6] and the Think Forward Initiative (a partnership between ING Bank, Deloitte, Dell Technologies, Amazon Web Services, IBM, and the Center for Economic Policy Research – CEPR). [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]:
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