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**Authors**: Christoph D. Dahl and Yaling Cheng **Preprint**: This research is submitted and being reviewed. The following videos are part of the main manuscript and can be found in the folder "**Videos**": Videos 1 - 5. In the biorxiv preprint, these videos cannot be embedded. For the review of the preprint, please consider Videos 1 and 2 as exemplars of experiment 1, Videos 3 and 4 as exemplars of experiment 2, and Videos 5 and 6 as exemplars of the long-term dishabituation trials after experiment 2. To reconstruct the relevant analysis: (1) Load the matlab data structure: SUBJ into your workspace. (2) Recreate Figure 2 from the manuscript (the main effect) by running "plottingFigure02.m". (3) Recalculate the data matrices used for statistical testing from raw data. That includes binning distance data and comparing habituation and dishabituation trials. To do so, run "calculateSubjectData.m". (4) Run the statistical tests for both experiments and the dishabituation long-term trials. The former are based on GLME, the latter on ANOVA. To do so, run "statistics.m". **Additional material**: Additionally, there are supplementary videos/movies, showing individual comparisons in experiment 1 and 2 (hab. - dishab. [short-term]), and the long-term test at the end of experiment 2.
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