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Description: Research on context effects shows that the composition of choice sets and choice framing strongly influences consumer decision-making. Researchers have identified various context effect types and provide insight into their antecedents, consequences, and mechanisms of action. However, the research on context effects is spread across several fields, making it difficult to grasp the entire scope. Reviews focusing on specific effect types can facilitate rigorous research and publication practices, but they focus primarily on prominent context effects, neglecting others. Furthermore, those reviews do not provide insight into the structure of scholarly networks that result from research collaborations and shape, generate, distribute, and preserve the intellectual knowledge of the context effect domain. Addressing these issues, we present a large-scale bibliometric analysis of the field, that helps navigate the context effect landscape, highlights its themes, and identifies knowledge gaps. An interactive web application also allows for our analyses to be customized and extended (



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Abrupt disparity effectAttraction effectBackground contrast effectBibliometric analysisCommon attribute effectCommon feature effectCompromise effectContext effectsDisplay set effectEnriched and impoverished optionEnriched and impoverished optionsJilting effectLone alternative effectPhantom effectPolarization effectRepulsion effectSingle option aversionUpscaling effectZero-comparison effect

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